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The 2023 general elections will be Nigeria’s sixth successive elections since the country’s transition to democracy in May 1999.

The year 2023 will mark a significant milestone of 24 years of continuous democratic governance, without any threat of military intervention in Nigeria’s post-independence history.


Election is a fundamental right of Citizens which ensures that the selection of political leaders remains within their control so they can collectively pick leaders who can protect their interests. “The Right of a People to Choose its leaders is at the root of Liberty”

Election, no doubt, remains the most important component of democracy. It is a process and an opportunity to elect into office leaders entrusted with a nation’s affairs, progress, and the general well-being of the people. Since the health of democracy is gauged by the credibility of its elections, the process must have the following attributions: “universal, genuine, equal, fair, free, periodic, and transparent. This makes independent searchlight on the exercise in the form of election observation imperative.

The JDPC is very much aware of the importance of the electoral process and has been an active participant in it since the inception of the fourth republic in Nigeria (since 1999) and have contributed over 55,000 Observers all over the country since 1999. Democracy as a political project is meaningless without elections that are substantially free and fair.

As a watchdog of our country’s socio-economic and processes, the JDPC is therefore positioned in our usual approach to observe the 2023 Electoral Process and to document it and file in reports for the benefit of post election activities and posterity. The Preparation for this challenge calls for diligence on the part of all JDPC members.


The aim of this exercise is to build the knowledge and skills of participants on how to observe elections in Nigeria, what it entails and why it is important to the democratization process.